Hello Readers! I am beyond happy to say that I am back home from camp and I am back in the blogging world! The end of camp went by pretty quickly because we had Jamboree (color war)....and my team won! It was harder to say goodbye to my girls than I thought it would be. About an hour after they all left to go home, I found out my flight was cancelled! I got to the Portland, Maine airport and found out that all flights going to the La Guardia airport in NYC were cancelled due to thunderstorms and that I would have to fly out of Boston. Well, the same thing ended up happening to other counselors (thank god for company!) so we ended up taking a two hour bus ride to the Boston airport. It was there that I found out that any flights to Indianapolis were all full and I would not be able to arrive home until the next day!
I was devastated, stranded, upset...you name it! Delta was having all sorts of issues that day - the weather was just not holding up for any travelers at all. It was the craziest day I've ever seen at any airport. Despite this, I somehow was feeling hopeful that someone would give up their seat on one of the full flights to Indy, so I waited in this two hour line to talk to a representative. Little did I know, my prayers were answered and I was able (by some miracle) to get on the last direct flight to Indy that night! I had a smile on my face the rest of the night and there were three other counselors from camp and my school that were on the flight with me :) Everyone on that flight probably thought we were crazy with how excited we were to be going home after two months!!
When I was waiting in the long line at the Boston airport, I was so close to leaving and finding a hotel to stay at, but I am glad I stuck it out and waited! I was almost sure that I wouldn't be able to get on a flight that night. Giving up on something may be the easy way, but if you really want something it may be best to wait - the end might surprise you!
It has been so nice to relax since I haven't been able to do that all summer! My mom bought me these new pajama pants and I am obsessed with the print and green is one of my favorite colors!

Now that I am back home and school is about to start, I am in a bit of a fork in the road and need to make some big decisions. I planned on living at home for now and going to school for the transition to teaching program. However, my parents want me to pay for everything which would require getting a part time job. While I was planning on getting a part time job anyways, I'm not sure if I can find one to cover all of my expenses (gas, car insurance, phone bill, food). I have been looking at some full time jobs as well as decent part time jobs. However, if I were to get a full time job, obviously this would put school and ultimately teaching on the back burner. I have an interview with a marketing firm in two days (!!!), but I am still unsure of what I want to do. I have no experience with marketing/sales other than working at Hollister so I have no idea if I would like the job or not. I almost just want to stick with teaching because I am pretty sure I will enjoy it, but part of me wants to be more independent and get my life rolling.
If anyone has advice, it would be greatly appreciated!!